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Get the hottest celebrity news, gossip, and fashion trends in each issue of InTouch Weekly! Packed with all the star-studded news that readers crave, InTouch Weekly provides fun, informative coverage of celebrity fashion, beauty, health, home, relationships and lifestyle.

Single issue for 2.99 USD
1/2 year subscription for 35.99 USD
1 year subscription for 69.99 USD

Information for In-App Subscription:
You have several ways to read InTouch Weekly US issues. Individual issues can be purchased through your iTunes account from within the app. Alternatively you can purchase a subscription for your iTunes account, either by 6 months or a year. Once you confirm your purchase, your iTunes account is debited with the according amount.
Your subscription will be automatically renewed unless you disable the automatic renewal no later than 24 hours before the end of the subscription period. If your subscription is extended, your iTunes account will be charged 24 hours before the end of the subscription period. If you have a valid subscription, your cancellation will take effect at the end of the term.
To manage your subscription and to enable or disable the automatic renewal, please go to "Settings", tap on the option "Store". Then tap "Apple ID" and "Show Apple ID". In the window that opens, please see the "Manage" menu in "Subscriptions".

To download the app and the issues we recommend a 3G or Wi-Fi connection.

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